Money Makes The World Go Round.

Hi, my name is Megan and i have started a bolg as part of a class in school. I chose the subject of money, as it is something everyone can not seem to get enough of and wants in order to be happy.

Friday, December 4, 2009

People use to barter or trade their goods for other peoples goods which they wanted, eg. crops.
When metal tools were introduced it started a whole new leaf of barter.
People started not trading things as such but more trading coins for these things and receiving a type of payment for them.
The introduction of metals started this whole new type of barter. Because shells were a very popular form of barter that people used to trade with, it is thought that replicas of shells made out of base metals can be thought of as the original development of metal coins and therefore giving coins their original shapes. Ancient coins would be found with holes in the centers and this was because people used to carry them around with them on types of necklaces.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Moolah, Dosh, Lettuce, Dough, Lolly, Bills. I’m sure your all familiar with these terms for everyone’s favorite thing…money.
"Money isn't everything...but it ranks right up there with oxygen."
This genius quote by Rita Davenport shows the great passion people show for money and how much people yearn for it.

Money started as not a coin or notes but as something that was scarce and worth something to peoples livelihood eg. cattle was used to measure a mans wealth, shells, whales/sharks teeth were used to trade or pay for items.
This first trade was called bartering it was exchange of goods for other goods.
Salt, tea, tobacco and seeds were commodities. Commodities were basic items used by everyone, just like money today, its our basic item to survive today, eveything today costs money even just the basics, food and water. However these commodities were often awkward to transport or perishable.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Money Makes The World Go Round

Hi, my name is Megan and i have started a bolg as part of a class in school. I chose the subject of money, as it is something everyone can not seem to get enough of and wants in order to be happy.